
Kashmir Tibbia College,Hospital & Research Center

Under The Aegis Of New Kashmir Educational Society

Examination (Old Course):

The duration of BUMS Course is five years and six months comprising:-


First Professional session

Twelve months


Second Professional session

Twelve months


Third Professional session

Twelve months


Final Professional session

Eighteen months.


Compulsory RotatoryInternship

Twelve months


First Professional Session

i.        The first professional session starts in Oct-Nov in the State and the first professional examination is held at the end of one academic year of first professional session.

ii.      The first professional examination is held in the following subjects, namely:-

a)       Arabic and Mantiq wa Falsafa (Logic and Philosophy).

b)      Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya (Basic Principles of Unani Medicine).

c)       Tashreehul Badan (Anatomy).

d)      Munafe ul Aaza (Physiology.

iii.    The student who has failed in first professional examination is allowed to appear in second professional examination, but he / she is not allowed to appear in third professional examination unless he /she passes all the subjects of first professional examination. Maximum four chances are allowed to pass first professional examination within a maximum period of three years.

iv.     Number of papers and marks for theory and practical in the 1st Professional Session are:-


Name of the subject

Number of papers

Details of maximum marks





Arabic and Mantiq wa Falsifa






Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya

(Basic Principles of Unani Medicine)






Tashreeh-ul-Badan (Anatomy)*





Paper  I

Tashreeh –I





Paper II

Tashreeh – II




MunafeulAaza (Physiology)





Paper  I

Munafeul  Aza  Umoomi wa Hayati Kimiya (General Physiology and Biochemistry)









Paper II

Munafeul   Aza Nizami (Physiology)



Note:  *Tashreehul Badan Paper - I : General description of Connective tissues, Muscles, Nerves, Upper and Lower Limbs and organs of Head and Neck including basics of Embryology and Genetics like as Chromosomes, Pattern of inheritance, Cyto-genetics and Genetics of important diseases. *Tashreehul Badan Paper – II: General description of Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis and Applied and Gross Anatomical anomalies of different organs.

Second Professional Session

i.      The second professional session starts every year in the month of Nov-Dec following completion of first professional examination and the second professional examination is ordinarily held and completed in the month of Oct-Nov every year after completion of one year of second professional session.

ii.      The second professional examination is held in the following subjects, namely:-

a)    Tareekhe Tib (History of Medicine).

b)    Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Community Medicine).

c)    Ilmul Advia (Pharmcology).

d)    Mahiyatul Amraz (Pathology).

iii.  The student who has failed in second professional but has passed all the subjects of first professional examination is allowed to appear in third professional examination. However he is not allowed to appear in final professional examination unless he / she passes all the subjects of second professional examination. Maximum of four chances are allowed to pass second professional examination within a maximum period of three years.

iv.     Number of papers and marks for theory and practical in the 2nd Professional Session are:-


Name of the subject

Number of papers

  Details of maximum marks





  Tareekhe Tib (History of Medicine)






Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Community Medicine)






  Ilmul Advia






  Paper  I

  Kulliyate Advia





  Paper II

  Advia Mufradah




Mahiyatul Amraz






  Paper  I

  Mahiyatul Amraz Umoomi wa

  Ilmul Jaraseem





  Paper II

  Mahiyatul Amraz Nizamia



Note: The students may be divided into three groups for practical or demonstration of Ilmul Advia-I (Advia Mufradah), Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib and Mahiyatul Amraz. For demonstration of Advia Mufradah, the student will be posted in Advia Museum and Herbal Garden regularly.

Third Professional Session

i.        The third professional session shall start every year in the month of Nov-Dec following completion of second professional examination and the third professional examination is ordinarily held and completed in the months of Oct-Nov every year, after completion of one year of third professional session.

ii.      The third professional examination is held in the following subjects, namely:-

a)      Communication Skills.

b)       Ilmul Saidla wa Murakkabat (Pharmacy).

c)      Tibbe Qanooni wa Ilmul Samoom (Jurisprudence and Toxicology).

d)      Sareeriyat wa Usoole Ilaj (Clinical Methods).

e)      Ilaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy).

f)        Ilmul Atfal (Paediatrics).

iii.    The student who has failed in third professional but has passed all the subjects of first and second professional examinations is allowed to appear in final professional examination. Maximum of four chances are here also allowed to pass third professional examination within a maximum period of three years.

iv.     Number of papers and marks for theory and practical in the 3rd Professional sessions are:-


Name of the subject

Number of papers

Details of maximum marks





   Communication Skills






Ilmul Saidla wa Murakkabat






  Paper  I

  Ilmul Saidla





  Paper II

  Advia Murakkabah




Tibbe Qanooni wa Ilmul Samoom






Sareeriyat waUsooleIlaj






Ilaj bit Tadbeer






Amraze Atfal





Note:   For Practical training Ilmul Advia-II (Ilmul Saidla wa Murakkabat) and Tibbe Qanooni wa Ilmul Samoom, the students may be divided in two groups. Practicals in both the subjects may be held four days every week. The students will be posted in hospital, in various groups for clinical training of Ilaj bit Tadbeer, Sareeriyat and Amraze Atfal.


Final Professional Session

              i.  The final professional session is of one year and six months duration and starts every year in the month of Nov-Dec following completion of third professional examination and the final professional examination is ordinarily held and completed by the end of the months of April-May every year, after completion of one year and six months of final professional session;

            ii.      The final professional examination comprise of the following subjects, namely:-

a)   Moalajat (GeneralMedicine).

b)    Amraze Niswan (Gynaecology).

c)    Ilmul Qabala wa Naumaulood (Obstetrics and Neonatology).

d)     Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery).

e)    Ain, Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan (Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and dentistry).

f)     Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat.

          iii.    The student who has failed in any of the four professional examinations in four chances is not  allowed to continue his or her studies. However, in case of serious personal illness of a student and in any unavoidable circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor of the concerned University may provide one more chance in anyone of four professional examinations.

           iv.      Number of papers and marks for theory and practical in the final Professional Session are:-


Name of the subject

Number of papers

Details of maximum marks











  Paper  I

Amraz-e-Nizam-e-Dimagwa Aasab and Baah, Hummiyat









  Paper II

Amraz-e-Tanaffus, Dauran-e- Khon,                                                Tauleed-e-Dam, Tihal



  Paper III

Amraz-e-Hazm, Baul o Tanasul, Amraz- e-Mutaddiyah, Hummiyat, Amraz-e-mafasil




Amraze Niswan






Ilmul Qabalat wa Naumaulood






Ilmul Jarahat






  Paper  I

  Jarahat Umoomi





  Paper II

  Jarahat Nizami




Ain, Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan






Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat






Other Provisions related to Examinations

i.       The theory examination paper comprise of minimum twenty percent short answer questions having maximum mark up to forty percent and minimum four questions for long explanatory answer having maximum marks up to sixty per cent., and these questions has to cover entire syllabus of subject.

ii.   The minimum marks required for passing the examination is fifty per cent. in theory and oral or practical separately in each subject and in the subjects which are comprised of two papers and have one common practical, the criteria of passing the theory papers has to be decided on the basis of achieving fifty percent marks in aggregate of both the papers.

iii.    If a candidate fail in the theory or oral or practical exam, he / she is required to appear in supplementary examination both in theory and practical.

iv.     The supplementary examinations are held within six months of regular examination and the students who have failed are eligible to appear in supplementary examination.

v.    Each student required to attend not less than three-fourth of the lectures delivered and practicals or demonstrations or clinicals held in each subject during each course and each student is also required to participate in educational trips or tours of the college during the year. However, the Principal may exempt any one from such participation on reasonable grounds.

vi.  In case a student fails to appear in regular examination for cognitive reason, he may appear in supplementary examination as regular student, whose non-appearance in regular examination will not be treated as an attempt and such students after passing examination may join the studies with regular students and appear for next professional examination after completion of the required period of study.

vii.   The following facts are taken into consideration in determining class work in the subject-

a)     Regularity in attendance.

b)     Periodical tests and

c)      Practical work.


The students may visit www.kashmiruniversity .net for updates on BUMS examinations. However, the latest / ensuing examination date sheet notifications can be seen  / downloaded from the New and Announcements section of this website. 

   Compulsory Rotatory Internship:-

i.        To become eligible for joining the compulsory internship programme, all four professional examinations shall be passed within a period of maximum nine years including all chances as mentioned above.

ii.      The duration of Compulsory Rotatory Internship is one year and the student is eligible to join the compulsory internship programme after passing all the subjects from first to the final professional examinations, and the internship programme starts after the declaration of the result of final professional examination.

iii.    The Internship Programme and time distribution is as follows:-

a)  The interns have to receive an orientation regarding programme details of internship programme alongwith the rules and regulations, in an orientation workshop, which is organised during the first three days of the beginning of internship programme and a workbook is provided to each intern, in which the intern has to enter date-wise details of activities undertaken by him or her during his or her training.

b)   Every intern has to provisionally register himself with the State Board and has to obtain a certificate to this effect before joining the internship program.

c)      The daily working hours of intern have to be not less than eight hours.

d)     The Internee cannot remain absent from his hospital duties without prior permission of Head of Department or Chief Medical Officer or Medical Superintendent of the Hospital as the case may be on satisfactory completion of internship programme, the Principal or Dean of the college issues the internship certificate to the candidate.

e)      Normally one-year internship programme is divided into clinical training of six months in the Unani hospital attached to the college and six months in Primary Health Centre or Community Health Centre or Rural Hospital or District Hospital or Civil Hospital or any Government Hospital of modern medicine. However, in the event of denial of permission of the State Government in allowing the interns in the hospital or dispensary of Modern Medicine, the one year Internship may be completed in the Hospital of Unani College.

f)       The clinical training of six or twelve months, as the case may be, in the Unani hospital attached to the college or in non-teaching hospitals approved by Central Council of Indian Medicine has to be conducted as follows:-





 of six months


Distribution of twelve months






Moalajat including Ilaj bit Tadbeer and Amraze Jild wa

Two months

Four months







One month

Two months


Amraz-e-Ain, Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan

One month

Two months


Ilmul Qabalat-wa-Amraz-e-Niswan

One month

Two months


Amraze Atfal

Fifteen days

One month


Tahaffuzi-wa-Samaji Tib  (Preventive and Community

Fifteen days

One month






g)         Six months training of interns has to be carried out with an object to orient and acquaint the intern with National Health Programme and the intern has to undertake such training in one of the following institutes, subject to the permission of State Government:-

·   Primary Health Centre.

·   Community Health Centre or District Hospital.

·   any recognised or approved hospital of modern medicine.

·   any recognised or approved Unani hospital or dispensary.

      Detailed guidelines for internship programme:-

          The intern has to undertake the following activities in various department as shown below:-

i.  Department of Moalajat- The duration of internship in this department is two months or four months with following activities:-

a)     All routine works such as case taking, investigations, diagnosis and management of common diseases by Unani medicine.

b)     Examination of Nabz, Baul-o-Baraz by Unani methods, routine clinical pathological work as. haemoglobin estimation, complete haemogram, urine analysis, microscopic examination of blood smears, sputum examination, stool examination, interpretation of laboratory data and clinical findings and arriving at a diagnosis.

c)     Training in routine ward procedures and supervision of patients in respect of their diet, habits and verification of medicine schedule.

d)     Ilaj bit Tadbeer: Procedures and techniques of various regimenal therapies.

e)     Amraze Jild-wa Tazeeniyat: Diagnosis and management of of various skin diseases, use of modern techniques and equipments in skin and cosmetology etc.

ii.      Department of Jarahat- The duration of internship in this department is one month or two   months and intern has to be practically trained to acquaint with following activities:-

a)     Diagnosis and management of common surgical disorders according to Unani principles.

b)     Management of certain surgical emergencies such as fractures and dislocations, acute abdomen.

c)     Practical training of aseptic and antiseptics techniques, sterilization.

d)     Intern shall be involved in pre-operative and post-operative managements.

e)     Practical use of anesthetic techniques and use of anesthetic drugs.

f)      Radiological procedures, clinical interpretation of X-ray, Intra Venous Pyelogram, Barium meal, Sonography and Electro Cardio Gram.

g)     Surgical procedures and routine ward techniques such as:-

·      suturing of fresh injuries.

·      dressing of wounds, burns, ulcers and similar ailments;

·      incision of abscesses.

·      excision of cysts and

·      venesection.

iii.    Department of Amraze Ain Uzn, Anf, Halaqwa Asnan- The duration of internship in this department is one month or two months and intern shall be practically trained to acquaint with following activities:-

a)       Diagnosis and management of common surgical disorders according to Unani Principles.

b)       Intern shall be involved in Pre-operative and Post-operative managements.

c)       Surgical procedures of ear, nose, throat, dental problems, ophthalmic problems.

d)       Examinations of eye, ear, nose, throat disorders, refractive error, use of ophthalmic equipment for diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases, various tests for deafness  and

e)       Minor surgical procedure in Uzn, Anf, Halaq like syringing and antrum wash, packing of nose in epistaxis, removal of foreign bodies from Uzn, Anf and Halaq at Out-Patient Department level.

iv.     Department of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan- The duration of internship in this department is one month or two months and intern has to be practically trained to acquaint with following activities:-

a)       Antenatal and post-natal problems and their remedies.

b)       Antenatal and post-natal care.

c)       Management of normal and abnormal labours and

d)       Minor and major obstetric surgical procedures.

v.       Department of Amraze Atfal- The duration of internship in this department is fifteen days or one month and intern has to be practically trained to acquaint with following activities:-

a)      Antenatal and post-natal problems and their remedies, antenatal and Post-natal care also by Unani principles and medicine.

b)      Antenatal and post-natal emergencies.

c)      Care of new born child along with immunization programme and

d)      Important pediatric problems and their managements in Unani system of Medicine.

vi.     Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tibb- The duration of internship in this department shall be fifteen days or one month and intern shall be trained to acquaint with the programmes of prevention and control of locally prevalent endemic diseases including nutritional disorders, immunisation, management of infectious diseases, family welfare planning programmes.

vii.   During the six months internship training in Primary Health Centre or Community Health Centre or District Hospital or any recognised or approved hospital of Modern medicine or Unani hospital or dispensary, the intern has to-

a)       Get acquainted with the routine of the Primary Health Centre and maintenance of their records.

b)      Get acquainted with the routine working of the medical or non-medical staff of Primary Health Centre and be always in contact with the staff in this period.

c)       Get familiared with the work of maintaining the relevant register like daily patient register, family planning register, surgical register and take active participation in different Government Health Schemes or Programme.

d)      Participate actively in different National Health Programmes implemented by the State Government.

e)       Get acquainted with the diseases more prevalent in rural and remote areas and their management  and

f)        Involve in teaching of health care methods to rural population and also             various  immunization programmes.

g)      Get acquainted with identification of casualty and trauma cases and their first    aid   treatment and

h)      Get acquainted with procedure for referring such cases to the identified hospitals.


Assessment of internship.-

After completing the assignment in various Sections, the intern has to obtain a completion certificate from the head of the Section in respect of his devoted work in the Section concerned and finally submit to the Principal of the institution so that completion of successful internship may be granted.


Intern Work Book:-

For effective implementation of one year rotatory internship training programme, the college has devised a detailed intern workbook, simplifying the scheme of internship besides providing space for date-wise detailed entries of activities undertaken by the internees during their internship training. The rules governing internship Training programme have also been provided at the end of the intern workbook for guidance of the interns. The inter workbook is provided to each student undergoing internship Training programme on the Ist day of the 3 days orientation workshop, which need to be conducted with the objective of dissemination of internship programme details to the internees.

The copy of the intern workbook can be seen from Downloads section of this website.

Examination (New Course):

Under construction