
Kashmir Tibbia College,Hospital & Research Center

Under The Aegis Of New Kashmir Educational Society

 About Unani Medicine

 Unani Medicine as the name suggests, originated in Greek or unan. It was the Greek philosopher-physician Hippocrates (460-377BC) who freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic and gave the status of science. The theoretical frame work of unani medicine is based on the teachings of Hippocrates. He believed that whenever and where ever possible medicine should be gentle and safe. This is the main objective of unani medicine. After Hippocrates, a number of Greek scholars enriched the system and it imbibed the best from contemporary system of medicine in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, china and other Middle east and far East countries. That is why the system is known in different parts of the world by different names, like Greco-Arab medicine, Ionian medicine, Arab or Islamic medicine, Oriental medicine and so on.

Scope of Unani Medicine

The Unani System of Medicine has in-depth potential in treating of diseases and disorders. In the age of modernization, stress is rooted in every domain and one of the prominent causative factors for many health ailments.

Many colleges and universities are offering quality education in the field of Undergraduate, Post graduate and Ph.D levels. After completing the BUMS course, one can pursue his/her career as Unani Doctor, may join in government hospitals, dispensaries, Unani hospitals, teaching jobs, etc. The governments have established research centres and council for the promotion of Unani medicine. Private sector is also hiring these professionals with lucrative job offers.

Unani medicine is holistic in nature. It has enormous healing power without any side effects. The ancient system of natural medicine has been practicing since the last 6000 years. Unani is based on the principles of four humours: blood in human body, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Fire, water, earth and air are the four components of this system. It has greater significance in the treatment and management of diseases like infertility, weight loss, vitiligo, diabetes, kidney stone, etc.

Job oriented career in Unani Medicine

 With the changes of time, there is also modification in the Unani field. Students of Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery are also made acquainted with other relevant disciplines such as physiology, preventive medicine, pharmacology, pathology and forensic medicine along with the parent discipline. All these make the BUMS candidate more knowledgeable and make them ready with the demand of the market economy. Some specialized fields are also available after BUMS like Moalijat, Ilmul Qabalat, Tahaffuz wa Samaji Tibb, Ilmul Advia, Ilmul Saidla, etc.

Career prospect in Unani Medicine

 The career options in Unani and its related fields such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, Naturopathy and Yoga are bright. Since, for a large number of diseases and disorders, Unani has a big say in the management and treatment of them. The discipline is quite effective for lifestyle related disorders, infertility and other sexual problems. If you are simple BUMS, you can join as a research officer or consultant either in public or private sector. If you are ambitious and hardworking, you can can do post graduate or may pursue Ph.D or other research work in the discipline.

Job Opportunity in Unani Medicine

 Since Unani has in-depth potential in curing and treatment of many diseases therefore the significance of Unani graduates or BUMS have greater relevance and significance. A number of Public Commission Services are recruiting Unani Medical Officer.  Union as well as State government research centres have lucrative employment opportunity for the Doctors. Due to Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation; the private sectors have also opened door for the deserving candidates. Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery (BUMS) and Unani PG holder have job options as Unani Medical Officer,  Research Officer, Assistant Research Officer, Unani Physician, Unani Consultant etc. in both the public sector and private one. Teaching may also be one of the options after pursuing higher studies.  

Main Employer 

In the government sector, one may join as Medical Officer advertised through different Public Service Commission such as

    ·         Union  Public Service Commission

·         Jammu & Kashmir public service commission.

·         Other State’s public service commissions

·         Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM).

·         Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM).

·         State Research Centre

·         Government Hospitals

·         Government research centre

·         Unani hospitals

·         Unani Pharmacies

·         Teaching faculty in Unani colleges/institutes/Universities.

·         Unani Physician

·         Unani Consultant

Salary in Unani Medicine

The remuneration depends upon your qualifications and experience. The salary in the field is also varying as per your expertise. At the initial stage, in private sector or in the government as consultant, one may get Rs.50,000/- to Rs. 80,000/- per month. In the government, Unani candidates are appointed as Unani Medical Officer under the pay scale of Rs.15,600 - 39,100 with grade pay of Rs,5400. However, in the private sector, one can get suitable pay hike as per his knowledgeable experience and expertise.