
Kashmir Tibbia College,Hospital & Research Center

Under The Aegis Of New Kashmir Educational Society

Illaj Bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy) Unit

 Illaj Bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy) unit comprises of diverse treatment modalities based on the principles of modification in Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya (Six essential factors).This unit is functioning in full swing. Separate room for Physiotherapy has been kept in place.           

Following regimens are operational for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases:

a.      Dalk (Massage)

b.      Hijamat (Cupping)

c.      Irsale Alaq (Leeching)

d.      Takmeed bukhari (Steam bath)

e.      Nutool (Irrigation)

f.        Pashoya (Foot bath)

g.      Zimad (Liniment)

h.      Hammam( Turkish Bath)

The section of physiotherapy comprises of following treatment facilities:

a.      Short wave diathermy

b.      Ultrasound therapy unit

c.      Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator

d.      Unit Interferential Therapy Unit

e.      Nerve muscle electrical stimulator unit

f.        Long wave diathermy Intermittent traction unit Cervical/ Pelvic

g.      Hydro Collator moist heat therapy

h.      Cryotherapy (Hot/Cold gel pack)

i.        Therapeutic paraffin wax therapy

j.        Specific instruments for the exercise of upper and lower limbs


The above mentioned Regimenal and Physiotherapy facilities are very useful in the treatment of the diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, various Neurological disorders like Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Neuropathies, Spinal Injury, Neuromuscular Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, various types of Headaches, Motor Neuron Diseases, Degenerative Joint Disorders, Low Backache, Sciatica, Ski Diseases, Varicose Veins,  Non-healing Ulcers, Chronic painful conditions, Sports injuries, Post Traumatic Rehabilitation, Post Operative Rehabilitation, Deformity Management etc.