
Kashmir Tibbia College,Hospital & Research Center

Under The Aegis Of New Kashmir Educational Society

 College Grievance Redressal Committee

 The objective of the College Grievance Redressal Committee is to develop a responsible and positive attitude among students in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in Kashmir TIbbia College Campus.

College Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the students with the following objectives:

·     Upholding the dignity of the Institution by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the Institute through promoting cordial student-student relationship and student teacher relationship etc.

·        To support, those students who have been deprived of the services for which he/she is entitled.

·        To make teaching and supporting staff responsive, accountable, courteous in dealing with the students

·        To ensure effective solution to the student grievances with an impartial and fair approach

·        Encouraging the students to express their grievance/problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized

·        Advising the students to respect the right of dignity of one another and show restraint and patience whenever any occasion arises.

·        Advising the students to refrain from inciting students against other students or teachers and institute Administration

·        To ensure effective solution to the students grievances with an impartial and fair approach. 


Kashmir Tibbia College, Hospital & Research Centre ensures a student-friendly ambience. The constitution of the College Grievance Redressal Committee is a part of our incessant effort to create a conducive atmosphere. This Committee, consisting of trained and experienced faculty, deals with non-academic grievances, while mentors sort out academic matters. Grievances can be posted in the suggestion boxes, which are opened every week.